Monday, August 30, 2010

Exeunt, omnes.

Two weeks after the Sojourners internship is finished, and it's never felt so good to relish in some alone time.

But my, what a year packed with richness this was. Here are a few things I picked up along the way:

5 new best friends
a better grasp of social justice
dumpster diving skills
mediation skills
getting up early skills
grammar skills
a love for baking stuff with yeast... and having the time to do it
a K'NAAN & John Forte concert experience (hallelujah!)
a smattering of Spanish, thanks to GLN
and getting to soak up the wisdom of the amazing folks at Sojo. As a co-worker mentioned, Sojo attracts good people. How true.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Now I can start processing through all of this; Lord knows there wasn't time while it was happening!

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