Friday, January 9, 2009

Joys of Joblessness: Day 5

Well, today was a bit of a bust as far as the job search goes. So much for real progress -- that will be next week's task.

So instead! Thanks to Daedalus, we all know what too much leisure time means...
Et ignotas animum dimittit in artes
(& he directs his mind into the unknown arts)
- Metamorphoses, Ovid
Instead of constructing wings out of wax and feathers, though (maybe another time), I dusted off the cookbook. Surprisingly, what resulted was quite edible!
I present......... coconut curried chicken (before the "over couscous" stage):

My lovely roommate was kind enough to help me eat it, & we capped off our dinner with her gourmet almond toffee. Kindof reminds you how nice it is to eat real meals with other humans. I could get used to this done with undergrad business.


ruth said...

i didn't realize you were back to blogging. keep it up. i like knowing what is going on in your life.

ruth said...

oh yeah, photo sessions would be a total challenge with two puppies. we like to keep you challenged.